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I Just Don’t Do Meds So Dare U To Think Of Another Place To Ditch Me

Updated: Nov 12, 2024

I don’t take meds and all have failed in many than more ways.

HIPPA violation as Doctor and C. & L “Homan” the heart surgeon husband of the spy who used my privacy against me and defaulted on my rent after son sold my property and lied to stay out of prison besides pressing charges late soon for all of the time we’ve known each other and the faults listed with more ignored for now- silly son will need to be punished or sued for abuse, neglect, abandonment, harming victim, and breaking my septum.

All reported and many offices do not stand anymore.

There are more involved as Adult senior services Don Myers, Gary (payee protection services) and El Cajon PD For failing to take my report as my duty as an agent forced me to even though I was sick asking for a break from my associates and inability to pay!!! 

Help! Please?

I will be homeless again soon (I am now as SSI didn’t pay me yet from missing rent)

Judge knows me.

Don’t pay attention to court paperwork. Judge has a file too.

Judge knows me and CPS offices are gone already that lied about my capabilities and requests for parenting on both parties for my asking for reunification case to be opened on our family behalf upon returning home in need for help with food and income as I was a stay at home mom they made work during breastfeeding and traumatized us as they ripped us apart and laughed at me in our Team Decision Making Meeting as I was too sick to talk or fight .

Fucked up businesses are replaced by Use of Land Act and other government offices in the place of those with their stronger offices standing and less dirty (especially in supervision room) so they make plenty of ways to be replaced as the businesses who failed to help have - like these who made their clients responsible for their defaults and demise.

My 3 children have no mom or dad and I’m needing all referrals to your team or lawyers

Might need to go against CA if they can’t find someone suitable so please forward this and ask them to help me with their lawyers so we can help each other replace bad cookies as land use act promises “…replaced for better use…”

Thank you

Gang members graffiti on my fencing and in Blue paint- so I guess we are sharing a community area now and invited neighbors dogs to pee if they hose it instead of shitting on our neighborhood homes all day.

…possibly my old can but was here when I was here years ago.  Reporting also “Pinoy Pride” written by my gas tanks that are not covered and gas leak steady detected by SdGE on my apple kangaroo app on old phone oWi-Fi of my home was I possibly able to share with you all years ago as I have been spinning out with problems in my zip code (should I thank goodness it may have been gas or get bars as murder and stalking persists as people ignore my help pleas to call and tell news or ask for community help for us to get help in the homes to keep all of us safe away with the ailments we learned of from gas!!??

Guess what….

Months later in posting this- of course as I’ve been attacked…



Hung up on…

Hot with knife…

Abandoned as my uncles favorite nice- I love you RIP Tito Stan the Man 👻

Veterans Day yesterday and we miss our “Fallen Soldiers”

I’m homeless now

Not dependable SSI defaults on my rent and has not helped me recover lost funds or escrow as well as tax return. They paid themselves back and couldn’t ventilate the gas or evacuate me before losing 100% of my property and not helping me have a roof tomorrow. Or help me without making me dance or do chores.

I’m on group

Join me in recovery.

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